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Students Council 2023-2024

October 23, 2023

St. Declan’s National School considers it important that the pupils should play a positive role in their school life and we set up our Student Council on a yearly basis to help to achieve this. Pupils from Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Classes were elected by secret ballot earlier this week and will take a seat on the Council for the duration of this academic year. The elected pupils are required to be active participants in the Council, they must attend meetings regularly and participate in school activities throughout the year. Through our Student Council, we hope to give our pupils a more active role in the organisation of our school and ensure they are listened to and respected for their ideas and concerns. It involves the students in many of the decisions that are made regarding the day-to-day running and management of St. Declan’s School.  Discussions in classes and at Council meetings help to develop social and learning skills in many areas including speaking and listening, problem-solving, brainstorming and the decision-making process. Well done to the  following children who will be part of the Student Council 2023-2024 under the direction of Ms Carey.

Room 20 4th Class- Jack and Rachel

Room 21 4th Class – Olivia and Tara

Room 5 4th Class – Patricia, Lennon, Konrad and Oscar

Room 2 5th Class – Kerris, Katie and Callum Mc P

Room 3 5th Class- Callum S

Room 4 5th Class- Romy

Room 7 6th Class – Eva and Chloe

Room 8 6th Class – Emily and Aaron

Room 24 6th Class- James and Millie

Room 25 6th Class- David C and Brooke