St Declan’s NS 4oth Year Anniversary
ST. DECLAN’S NS 1977-2017
St. Declan’s NS is forty years old this year. It opened its doors in 1977 replacing the school in the church grounds which was no longer fit for purpose due to increased enrolment. To celebrate this very special occasion we are having a number of events during the week the 25th to the 29th of September. All classes are busy preparing work for our time capsule. Junior and Senior Infants are designing a leaf for our tree and classes first to sixth are creating a poster. The winning entries will be displayed in frames in our foyer. Third classes are going to write about their ten favourite things from 2017, fourth classes are going to write some poems about St. Declan’s, fifth classes are going to write about the top ten headlines from 2017 and sixth classes are putting together a collection of memories from St. Declan’s. We are going to create a school scroll for all the children in our school to sign. Each child in the school is going to plant a daffodil bulb on the school grounds as part of the celebrations.
On Wednesday the 27th of September at 12 noon Bishop Smith is coming to say mass in the church in Ashbourne to celebrate our anniversary. All classes are going to the church for mass. We welcome all who had an involvement with the school over the years to join us- parents of current pupils, past pupils and their families, all who served on Boards of Management, past and present members of Parents Associations and retired staff.
The PA is hosting a quiz night on Friday the 29th of September at 8pm in Donaghmore Ashbourne GAA club. Tickets are available from the school office or from Yvonne Moran (087 4169256). Tickets cost €10 ahead.
Mr Reidy and staff