Seachtain Na Gaeilge 2015
I rith Seachtain na Gaeilge bhi iarracht an mhór deanta ag gach duine i scoil Naomh Dheaglain níos mó gaeilge á labhairt.
During Irish Week everyone in St Declan’s N.S makes a big effort to speak more Irish. Lots of activites are organised during Seachtain na Gaeilge. There was an “oscalt Oifigiul” last Wednesday. Here children in the senior class officially open Seachtain na Gaeilge and the National Anthem is sung. Each class designed their own Irish noticeboard. .The junior classes participate in a throw fada and the senior classes partake in a cic/púc fada. Junior classes entered a colouring competition and senior classes designed a poster promoting the Irish language. Senior classes participated in a quiz through Irish. Ms Cifford and Ms Jenkinson brought their 4th classes to Corfheile na Scoileanna.Bíonn ceolchoirm sa halla do gach rang. Today we had our Ls Glas where everyone dressed in their green clothes and we had a parade for all the children outside.
La Fheile Padraig !!!