
Ms. King’s Room 20

We have been super busy in room 20 since we last checked in. We are very excited for the last term of 4th class!  This term we have a lot of exciting things to look forward to. We are finishing our block of swimming lessons and we will be learning the ukulele. Ms. King has been teaching us the tin whistle and we performed Amhrán na bhFiann for our peers at the concert during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Here is a short video of us rehearsing!


Last term we did a lot of exciting things but one of our favourite activities was creating monsters with clay! We tried to make them as weird and wonderful as we could! Here are a few of our masterpieces. Unfortunately we were so excited to take them home after painting them that we forgot to photograph the finished pieces.

We were delighted to display our work on the anti-bullying noticeboard in the hall this month. We have tried very hard to be extra kind and helpful to everyone in our classroom and on yard. We created our own anti-bulling defence team.