Junior Entrepreneur Programme 2016
The Junior Entrepreneur Programme is a 10-16 week educational programme for primary school children. This innovative programme opens the minds of primary school pupils to the joy of entrepreneurship at a time in their lives when they are full of imagination and open to new possibilities. The programme helps participating pupils to develop a number of skills including literacy, writing, presentation, drawing, technology, research skills, numeracy, financial, consumer awareness, storytelling, listening skills, creative thinking, problem solving, team building and collaboration skills. The programme has a significant personal development impact on participating pupils, building confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem, and an appreciation of individual skills and talents
Ms Jenkinson and Mrs Reilly took part in the programme this year. The children were divided into groups and came up with some great ideas. They had a Dragons Den session where Mr Reidy, Alan Tobin Ms Jenkinson and Mrs Reilly sat on the panel while the children presented their projects. One project was picked per class and the whole class worked on this project together. Room 4 choose chose Rainbow Flames and Room 5 chose World’s Wonderful Recipes. They all worked really hard together to manage the project and come up with the final product for sale. They then sold their product to their target audience.
On Wednesday the 27th of April there was a showcase day for all the schools in Meath who had participated in the project. We were all invited to the Knightsbrook Hotel in Trim to present our work and to look at the work of the other schools. The children were fantastic and did themselves and our school proud. Thank you to Mrs Reilly and Ms Jenkinso for their dedication and time spent throughout the year to prepare the children for the event. We received a flag and a plaque on the day.