First and Second Class Assembly 03-05-2019
We had assembly today or 1st and 2nd classes. At assembly we spoke about celebrating Mary’s life for the month of May. We had a May altar at assembly.
Prayers of the Faithful Room 11
Help us to be kind and gentle in our everyday lives. Lord Hear Us.
Help us to be thoughtful at home, to help our parents by working hard and always trying our best, no matter how hard things are. Lord Hear Us.
Help us to be caring and respectful at school when we playing together. We try hard to always be good friends to others here in St. Declan’s. Lord Hear Us.
Help us to remember to care for the trees ,plants and all the beautiful nature around us. Lord Hear Us.
The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults, and will probably continue if no action is taken. It has a negative effect on people. Bullying can be making threats, spreading rumours, attacking people verbally or physically or exclusion from a group. Bullying is not single episodes of aggression or intimidation or a once off figh
What should yu do if you are being bullied ?
Tell the person to stop, that it is not OK and that you will tell an adult
Tell someone (a friend, a teacher or your parents)
Keep the evidence and keep a record.
Think it’s your fault. Nobody deserves to be bullied!
Fight back or bully a person back.
Keep it to yourself and just hope the bullying will “go away.” Make sure you report the bullying.
Avoid school or afterschool activities because you’re afraid of the bully.
Don’t be afraid to tell. Telling is NOT tattling! It’s the right thing to do
Good luck to our three first classes who have started their swimming lessons this week. For some of you it might be the first time to do lessons. We hope it will be an enjoyable experience for everyone. Remember it is important to be well behaved on the way down to the pool and on the way back to school. Everyone that sees your class walking will know that you are a St. Declan’s student.
School Marathon
Well done to everyone who took part in our school marathon fundraiser on Tuesday. It was a great day of fun. Thank you to everyone who helped to raise money for our school. So far we have raised €5,970 euro. Fantastic work.
Student of the month
Room 14 Dextor
Room 15 Harry
Room 17 Danny
Room 11 Aoife
Room 16 David
Room 18 Mollie
Gaeilgeoir Na Miosa
Room 14 Aine
Room 15 Lily
Room 17 Millie
Room 11 Donnacha
Room 16 Anna
Room 18 Michael
Best behaviour on yard prize – Room 15
Best dressed class – Room 18
Attendance award for 1st – Room 15
Attendance award for 2nd Room 18
Performance by Room 18