
Third and Fourth Class Assembly 03-05-2019

We had assembly today or 3rd and 4th classes. At assembly we spoke about celebrating Mary’s life for the month of May. We had a May altar at assembly.

The Rosary
The rosary is a very old prayer in the Catholic church. In it, we remember key moments in the life of Jesus. It is also a prayer that honours Mary. Praying the rosary is like looking at an album of pictures . There are twenty different events that we reflect on and these are called mysteries. These mysteries are broken into four groups, the joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, the glorious mysteries and the mysteries of light.

The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults, and will probably continue if no action is taken. It has a negative effect on people. Bullying can be making threats, spreading rumours, attacking people verbally or physically or exclusion from a group. Bullying is not single episodes of aggression or intimidation or a once off figh

What should yu do if you are being bullied ?

Tell the person to stop, that it is not OK and that you will tell an adult
Tell someone (a friend, a teacher or your parents)
Keep the evidence and keep a record.

Think it’s your fault. Nobody deserves to be bullied!
Fight back or bully a person back.
Keep it to yourself and just hope the bullying will “go away.” Make sure you report the bullying.
Avoid school or afterschool activities because you’re afraid of the bully.
Don’t be afraid to tell. Telling is NOT tattling! It’s the right thing to do

Cyberbullying is when people bully others using an electronic device (e.g. phones, computers, through online gaming)
It can be: abusive /hurtful messages, unwanted content,Impersonation or exclusion.
There are some things that make cyberbullying different to ‘traditional’ bullying:
It can be 24-7 (everyday and all the time). More people can see and be part of bullying incidents online, for example: a photo that you can’t remove. Online things can be copied, spread very quickly and go viral. Online it is very difficult, often impossible to remove things once they are posted.You can keep evidence by screenshotting the bullying. People who cyberbully don’t see the reaction of the people they are bullying so it can sometimes be harder for them to see the impact of their actions.

How to stop cyberbullying
Do not retaliate.
Keep evidence of the bullying. Try to take a photo or a screenshot.
Tell someone you trust what is happening. Block or mute the bully. Remember the problem is with them not you.

School Marathon
Well done to everyone who took part in our school marathon fundraiser on Tuesday. It was a great day of fun. Thank you to everyone who helped to raise money for our school. So far we have raised €5,970 euro. Fantastic work.

Good luck to our Boys Junior Football team who will play their final match in the league soon. This will determine if they will get a place to play in the final.
Good luck to the Boys Senior Football team who are in the semi-final of the Fingal league next Tuesday.

Well done to our three 3rd classes who went on a visit to Dalgan Park and the Hill of Tara before the Easter holidays. They got a tour of Dalgan Park by Ger Clarke who took them on a tour of the woodlands. They got to see lots of different Species of trees and flowers. They then went to the Hill of Tara for a play. Thank you to Ms Coote
for organising the trip and to our PA who covered the cost of the bus.

Yesterday the Students Council accompanied by Ms O’Halloran and Ms Tobin went on trip to Dublin. They began by visiting the Natural Arts History Museum. They explored the museum’s unique collection of Viking artefacts and displays. Dail Eireann was the next port of call. The children were met by Regina Doherty. She showed them the Lower Chambers where the TD’S vote and discuss issues and legislation that are very important to the country. They got to see the very ornate room where the Seanad gathers and they saw the green and red buttons they press under their seats when voting. Then they saw the historic Brigade flag from the American Civil war which was
presented by the US President John F .Kenedy to the Irish people. They saw a copy of the Proclamation in the foyer. The original document was eaten by some of the 1916 volunteers as they approached a British army barrier in order to conceal it. The asked Regina lots of interesting questions and she gave them a copy of The Proclamation when they were leaving. Thank you to Ms O’Halloran for organising the trip and to the Board of Management for covering the cost of the bus.

Student of the month
Room 5 Devon

Room 9 Chloe

Room 19 Austeja

Room 20 Taylor

Room 21 Suzie
Room 7 Alex

Gaeilgeoir Na Miosa
Room 5 Brandon

Room 9 Evan

Room 19 Chloe

Room 20 Adam

Room 21 Carolina

Room 7 Daniel

Best behaviour on yard prize – Room 5
Best dressed class – Room 21
Attendance award for 4th – Room 20
Attendance award for 3rd Room 7

Performance by Room 19

Bullying Poem – Read by Room 21

I am the person you bullied at school,
I am the person who didn’t know how to be cool,
I am the person you alienated,
I am the person you ridiculed and hated
I am the person who sat on my own
I am the person who walked home alone,
I am the person you scared every day,
I am the person who had nothing to say.
I am the person with hurt in my eyes,
I am the person you never saw cry,
I am the person living alone with my fears
I am the person destroyed by my peers.
I am the person who drowned in your scorn.
I am the person who wished I hadn’t been born,
I am the person you destroyed for ‘fun’,
I am the person, but not the only one.
I am the person whose name you don’t know,
I am the person who just can’t let go,
I am the person who has feelings too,
And I am a person, just like you.