
Third and Fourth Class Assembly

Mr Reidy

Welcome to our assembly to celebrate Mary’s month, the month of May. By honouring Mary we are also honouring God who bestowed on her the great privilege of being mother of Jesus. We have a May altar here at assembly and some of you might have a May altar in your classroom or at home. Some schools and parishes also organise a May procession. We are going to start our assembly by saying the Hail Mary together.

Alannah from Mr Farrell’s class read the gospel for us.


A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke

Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for Passover. When Jesus was twelve years old they all went there as usual for the celebration. After Passover his parents left but they did not realise that Jesus had stayed on in the city. They thought he was travelling with some other people and they went a whole day before they started looking for him. When they could not find him with their relatives and friends they went back to Jerusalem and started looking for him there. Three days later they found Jesus sitting in the temple listening to the teachers and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was surprised at how much he knew and all the answers he gave. When his parents found him they were amazed. His mother said, “Son why have you done this to us?. Your father and I have been very worried and we have been searching for you. “ Jesus answered, “Why did you have to look for me ? Didn’t you know that I would be in my father’s house?”. But they did not understand what he meant. Jesus went back to Nazareth with his parents and obeyed them. His mother Mary kept thinking about what had happened.

This is the word of the Lord

Mr Reidy
The rosary is a very old prayer in the Catholic church. In it, we remember key moments in the life of Jesus. It is also a prayer that honours Mary. Praying the rosary is like looking at an album of pictures . There are twenty different events that we reflect on and these are called mysteries. These mysteries are broken into four groups, the joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, the glorious mysteries and the mysteries of light. Maybe during the month of May you could say a decade of the rosary with your teacher in class. If you have rosary beads at home you could bring them in to class with you.

Community Games award winners
Victoria Room 20 – silver medal for handwriting
Matthew – Room 21 bronze medal for handwriting
Tierna Room 25 silver medal for art
Emilia Room 25 bronze medal for art
Stephen Room 25 – gold medal for chess

The following children were picked from 3rd and 4th classes to enter the An Post handwriting competition. Mr Reidy awarded them with certificates and congratulated them on their excellent work.
Room 9- Cillian, Christabel, Michael, Mary Kate and Kate.
Room 20- Lily, Emily, Isobel, Tara and Wiktoria
Room 21- Kaelan, Mila, Anais, Matthew, Adrian, Yara and Vanessa.

Pupil of the month
Room 9- Michael
Room 7- Chloe
Room 24-Lauren
Room 20- Daragh
Room 25-Alannah

Best Line Award-Room 20
Best Dressed Class-Room 25
Best Attendance 3rd Class Room 9, 4th class Room 25.

Ms Kelly’s class showed us some of the projects they had done for our active schools award. They also performed a song for us.

End Prayer
Loving God,
We thank you for the example of Mary, whom you chose from among all women to be the mother of your son. May she watch over us in our lives as she watched over and cared for Jesus. Help us to always have the courage to say yes to what you ask of us just as she did. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen