Spanish Lessons in Room 2
During the first term Ms. Mooney taught Ms Jenkinson’s class Spanish on Thursday afternoon. This was part of the Say Yes to Languages initiative. Say Yes to Languages promotes the teaching and learning of modern foreign languages at primary level. It was an enjoyable, engaging, interactive experience. We learned Spanish greetings, how to introduce ourselves, describe our feelings and colors and numbers in Spanish. Every Thursday during our Spanish lessons we conversed, played language games and sang Spanish songs together. Here is the you tube link to one of the Spanish songs we sang together.
Each student was given a language passport booklet. This helped us to understand the connection between different languages and developed our awareness of other languages used in the school and wider community. We had great fun learning it and overall it was a really enjoyable worthwhile learning experience. It gave us a boost of confidence to encourage us to continue learning Spanish in secondary school. We would recommend choosing it in secondary school as it is a really useful skill to be able to speak another language and Spanish is also widely spoken all over the world.
Written by: Ciara Garrigan, Amelia Price, Tiffany Akinola, Chloe Gately,
Lexi Doyle and Amber Connolly Room 2