Scooting Workshop
As part of Green Schools are children rom Junior Infants to second were involved in a scooting workshop last week. The children learnt how to fit their helmets properly and safety measures to take when using their scooters.
S-Safer choices : Wear helmets when scooting (you can bling your helmet to make it extra cool!)
C – Chat together as you travel together, to increase your child’s road safety awareness.
O – Opportunity to discuss being extra careful when passing entrances as drivers exiting may not see children easily (especially due to walls or hedging).
O– Obstacles often arise so make a plan on how to deal with these, e.g. cars parked on footpaths can make passing difficult.
T– Take time to encourage your child to be careful of other people walking or scooting in front of them to reduce bumping of wheels on heels (ouch!)
S-Safe Cross Code, the more often you recite this together the more likely your child will use the Code automatically when they get older.
A– Always be aware of upcoming corners. If your child is scooting or cycling on paths they should always go very slowly around corners as pedestrians have priority on paths.
F– Fun is in the air and everyone will stay smiling and safer if we all look out for each other.
E– Exercising road safety skills now will benefit your child enormously when they become independent travellers in the future.
R– Remember to be bright – wear High Viz gear!