Room 11 Sports Day
We had a really busy today in first class. We had a fantastic day at our Sports day. We were so lucky as the sun shone all day long and lots of parents came to support us. We started off with the egg and spoon race. We had to hold them really steady to stop the balls rolling off the spoon.
The tug of war was great fun. We had to pull very hard to try and get the other team over the cone. The multi coloured team won .
The Peg man activity was very funny. We had to try get a peg off the girl’s shirt without getting hit by the bat. We had to move really quickly.
We moved onto the water race game after that. We had to try and get as much water as possible into the basin without spilling it. It was much trickier than it looked.
For the hula hoop race you had to use the hula hoop as a skipping rope. We were very good at this race.
There was a race with beanbags and tennis rackets. We had to hold the beanbag between the rackets and run a race. We did a great job.
The next station was like bowling. We had three beanbags and we had to try and knock over as many skittles as we could in two goes. We had to concentrate hard for this one.
The clothes race was funny. We had to put on a pair of shorts and then a bib. Then we had to take them again and run back to the next person on the team. Sounds very easy doesn’t it ???
The golf station was next. We had to aim very carefully and try and hit the ball as far as we could. We really enjoyed this activity.
The relay race was next. We were getting very tired at this stage so it took all our energy to run as fast as we could around the circuit.
And finally we made it to the last station , the obstacle course. We had to go through the hula hoop , under the net, run along the bench and through the tunnel. We all loved this one.
Tired and weary we made our way back to our classroom for our lunch. We were exhausted !! Teacher was very happy with our behaviour and participation on the day and she said we deserved a special treat. So we all got a Mr Freeze. After big break we went down to the cake sale for some more delicious treats. We loved all the yummy goodies. We finished off the day by doing some chalk pictures outside. We lay down on the ground and Teacher drew around the outline of our bodies and then we got to decorate them. Wait until you see the fantastic job we made of them. Some people even drew on some high heels !! What a great end to a perfect day.