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Return to school Junior Infants to Second 01-03-2021

February 26, 2021

Junior Infants, Senior Infants 1st & 2nd classes will be returning to the school on Monday 1st the 1st of March.
3rd to 6th class are due to return on 15th March and will continue with remote learning until their return to in-person teaching and learning. Thanks to all parents for your support in working with the children remotely since January 11th. All of the previous procedures will remain in place such as hand hygiene routines, pods and class bubbles. We look forward to seeing all the children back in school on Monday. It is natural for them to experience a range of emotions – many will be excited, others nervous, fearful or unsure. However, children are resilient and with the help of you and our staff they will make a very good transition back to school after this lockdown.

A return to school declaration form must be completed and returned to the school on Sunday 28th February for all pupils returning to school on Monday 1st March. This is a new requirement from the Department of Education Covid Response plan. We will send a reminder on Sunday as the form will only be available to complete via Aladdin after 3pm on 28/2/2021.

We want the school to stay open. The concern in reopening schools is around the mobility of adults. The Government is particularly concerned about adults congregating outside school grounds. Please ensure that you are at least 2m away from other people on the footpaths outside the school gates.

Only parents of Junior and Senior Infants will permitted onto the school grounds for the arrival and dismissal of pupils. Parents of first and second class children are asked to walk to and from the gates themselves.

We know that children have their school books at home. They should bring whatever books they can carry either in their basket or school bag on Monday. Please ensure that they have their English, Irish, Maths books with them on Monday especially and a fully stocked pencil case. The rest of the books can be brought on Tuesday if necessary. Children should be able to carry their bag/basket as parents will not be permitted to drop the books inside the school building.

Please see below important links for further information on the return to schools from the government.

Safe Schools advice for parents

Returning to school advice for parents Junior Infants to second

Letter to parents and guardians from the Department of Education

Letter from Deputy Chief Medical Officer February 2021