

The Green schools committee were busy preparing for the annual Pride of Place competition that took place on Wednesday June 12th. This year the school were working towards achieving level 3 in the scheme which involved engaging in numerous creative activities in our school garden. To achieve our award we planted a variety of vegetables and herbs in every class and many of these were then planted in our raised beds in our school garden where they are now in full bloom. The children planted a variety of flowers around the school grounds and in our outdoor classroom. We installed a water butt to conserve water in the school and this water is now being used to water all our plants and vegetables in our garden. To ensure we reached all the criteria the children on the green schools committee did wonderful work constructing scarecrows, birdfeeders and not forgetting our 5 star minibeast hotel! Children from sixth class painted colourful signs that can be now seen around the school highlighting all the hard work that has been carried out by our green schools committee this year. We would like to thank our caretaker Tommy O’Neill for all the help and hard work throughout the year. Well done and thank you to Ms Coote our  Green Schools co-ordinator.