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Maths Week

October 15, 2020

This week is national maths week . Maths helps us describe the world around us in a language which is internationally understood and helps us try to solve all manner of problems. Maths Week is an important way to help learners, of all ages, enjoy maths and to highlight the creativity of the subject. It helps promote a positive attitude towards maths and to help us understand how it impacts on our world.

All our classes are taking part in different maths activities in their classrooms as part of maths week. Mr Lydon’s 3rd class went outside to take part in a maths trail. They had to work in groups and worked on the areas of problem solving, estimating, recording etc. They investigated colours, shapes, sizes, measures and data.



Happy Cow Farm is a traditional farm: the milking staff all use traditional three-legged stools.

In the milking parlour, I counted 68 legs and 16 heads.

How many cows and milking staff do you think are there?