Junior Infants Room 13 :)
Junior Infants have been hard at work in room 13. Ms Doran is delighted with how well we have settled. We are all getting used to our classroom. We have table names and we work together to move our tables rocket to the stars. The winning rocket gets a prize at the end of the week.
Look at our traffic lights…. We are getting really good at doing our work. When we are working well our traffic light is on green, if we are getting a little loud the traffic light moves to yellow, or RED and guess what happens then…. Our rockets loose fuel and fall a little. We are great at keeping it green though!
We have gotten really good at listening to teacher. Just in case we forget how, teacher has some pictures on the board to help us remember. They make it really easy to listen!
Our phonics are coming along and we know 12 sounds now. We practice everyday in school. Keep practicing at home too!!