
Grandparents Day 2018

Grandparents are like shady trees that has an ever welcoming attitude towards life. They are always there to offer their cool shade to the next generation. It seems that they have all the love, affection and warmth in the world stored within them. The unconditional warmth and infinite love create a special bond between the two generations. Today, the task of raising the children is not restricted to the parents. The fact of the matter is that millions of grandchildren around the world are raised solely by their grandparents. They serve as a great link between the past, present and the future. They introduce their kids to the past traditions, get involved with them in the present and help them shape their future. It goes without saying, grandparents are very important in our lives, when it comes to imbibing great values in our kids. Kids may not listen to their parents, but they will pay heed to what their grandparents have to say. After all, getting advices from the roots of the family tree (grandparents) will ensure that the fruits (children) are sweet, worthy and lovable.
Yesterday in St Declan’s we celebrated Grandparents Day.
Many grandparents visited our classrooms and chatted with pupils. We heard stories of what their school days were like, how they travelled to school, First Holy Communion Day, etc. We learned of chores they did on family farms and jobs which they worked as young adults, hobbies and interests. They came to the staff room afterwards for a cup of tea. Grandparents Day gave us the opportunity to meet some of our grandparents and also think about the importance of all of our grandparents and the gift they are to our lives. For some, it was a return to their alma mater and time to reminisce.
For all in St. Declan’s NS it was a privilege to have the opportunity to acknowledge the enormous contribution grandparents make.
We sincerely thank those who took the time to visit and speak to our students and hope that all our grandparents from near and far had a lovely day! Thank you to Ms Mc Enroy for organising the day.