

We had 6th class graduation on Wednesday the 27th of June.

Mr Reidy
Parents ,guests and sixth class pupils on my own behalf and also on behalf of Mr Lydon, Mr Mc Keown and Ms O’Connor , I would like to welcome you all here tonight to celebrate the graduation of our three sixth classes from St. Declan’s. It is a very special moment for all these children as they leave primary school and move onto the next stage in their lives. It is a time to remember and a time to look forward. Most of you have been part of our school community for the past eight years and some joined us along the way. You came to us with many undiscovered gifts and talents. As parents you entrusted your child to us. That trust is something we take very seriously. It is our responsibility to provide a secure happy learning environment, where children are given every opportunity to realise their potential. We hope that all of us in St. Declan’s has left no stone unturned in reaching this goal.
Childhood is often described as a short eternity, its years are few but its influence is forever. Its memories can last a lifetime. Moments can be remembered as hours, hours as weeks, weeks as years. Childhood experiences are etched in the mind for the rest of a person’s life. We as educators should take good care of childhood, remembering that a year is little in a lifetime, but it is a lifetime in the life of a child. We won’t ask you to remember your school because you can’t forget your school days. We wish you the best of luck in the future. Don’t try to be too strong; as a human being you will feel very vulnerable and humble at times and that humility may be your real strength. Be assertive, not aggressive; be flexible, accommodating and open to learning. Keep in touch with your spiritual side and keep God in your life.

During your time with us you have been nurtured by the love of your families, inspired by the guidance of your teachers and bound by the precious gifts of friendship. We hope that we have started you on a road that will help you lead a full, contented and happy lifestyle, ready to take on the many challenges and also the rich opportunities that will come your way. In all 87 children will bid farewell to St. Declan’s and of those 37 families will end that connection with our school.

First Reading- Ashling Jones

1st Reading – Jeremiah 31:3-4; 29:11-14
The Lord God has this to say to you today: I have loved you with an everlasting love and I am constant in my affection for you. I will build you up and I will protect you in good times and in bad. So be happy and go forth in the dancing of the merrymakers. I have plans in my heart for you: plans for peace, not disaster, plans to give you a future and a reason to hope. And remember, when you call upon me and come and pray to me I will hear you. You will seek me and find me: when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you.
This is the Word of the Lord
All: Thanks be to God.

Prayers of the faithful- Read by Glen, Aimee and Danna

Lord, we have come to a new stage in our lives. Grant us your guidance. Help us to make wise choices to achieve our goals and dreams. Help us adjust to our new lives when we leave this school. Give us courage and strength to get through the bad times and help us to be aware of, and to appreciate, the good. LORD HEAR US
Response ; Lord graciously hear us.

2Lord, who can measure the love that has surrounded us through our years in primary school. Who can count the fears and anxieties of parents and loved ones who worked tirelessly for us and didn’t count the cost? We are grateful for our parents and ask you to bless them for the love they have given us down the years.
Response ; Lord graciously hear us.

Lord, we appreciate the happiness, companionship, and learning that we have enjoyed together over the years in St Declan’s and we thank you for them. We hope our friendships will stay strong as we move onto the next stage in our lives. LORD HEAR US
Response ; Lord graciously hear us.

Faye Eager from Room 7 come up to read her Memories Of St Declan’s.

Mr Reidy
Tonight we congratulate you on you achievement
We celebrate you success at school and your achievements during your time with us. We celebrate the happy times. We celebrate the hard work of you parents and families who brought you to this point.

Primary schools are asked to do many things
It’s the place where we first learn
The place where we get on without the immediate influence of our families.
Schools are the places where we make friends , fall out and patch up differences
We Learn to live in a group, work a team
Prepare for the world ahead and more immediately the year ahead.
Set a good foundation for teenage years
Take in the many ideas and concepts that are thrown at us in the curriculum.

This group inspired us challenged us, amused us, frustrated us, inspired us- just what we would expect from an energetic, lively and challenging group of young people. They have been worthy representatives if St. Declan’s at all times. In many ways, Sixth class represent the school, apart from the obvious areas like Confirmation they would be involved in quizzes, games etc and this class reached a high standard in this regard. At all times we were proud of the manner in which they conducted themselves and also of the example they gave to the younger children in the school. Whether it was school outings , games, walks to the church , the sixth classes could be relied upon to be well behaved. They were involved in a rich and varied number of activities during the year. Activities that enhanced the quality of learning.

Swimming, Concerts, School draughts competition
Football (Fingal Cup and Division One Shield Cup and Blake Cup)Soccer, camogie , athletics, cycling, tag rugby, Basketball,
Green Schools, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Confirmation Parish link Masses, Book Week. Goal collection, Credit Union quizzes, Corfheile na Scoileanna , Community Games, School Outings.Credit Union Competitions.

I would also like to acknowledge the work of all the teachers who were involved with these children through their school life. While Mr Lydon, Mr Mc Keown and Ms O’Connor taught these pupils over the past year or two and applied the finishing touches many others were involved along the way: I speak of class teachers/ Learning support teachers/ resource staff. We acknowledge their role in the education of these pupils.
It is an appropriate time to acknowledge the work of the various partners who are so vital to the running of the school. These people work away quietly so tonight I would like to commend you all.

Mr Reidy thanked the Board Of Management, our new caretaker Tommy.

Secretary- Pauline Mulvaney was presented with a gift from the BOM and the PA as she celebrates her retirement.

The help of the Parent Support Group is also vital to the school .Over the past year, they have helped us in many practical ways by catering for all the annual events and organising fundraising. They are very important and active partners in the life of St. Declan’s and we are indebted to them for their time and dedication. Some them are here tonight to serve light refreshments for us after the ceremony. Presentation of cheque from Jennifer Mulvey for money raised from Sept 2017- June 2018 € 12,000

Attendance Award
Overall Winner- Aimee Cullen Room 5 (1424 days) Faderera Owade – Room 7 (1423 days) Habir Muritala – Room 6 (1420 days) Lola Gore – Room 6 (1420 days) Fadekemi Owoade– Room 5 (1417) Amber Finglas- Room 6 (1419)

Presentation of Graduation medals and certificates
Can I thank Jack from Easons for donating money toward the medals and certificates this year.
Mary presented medals. And the class teachers presented certificates.
Three classes came forward to receive their medals and certificates,

Sportsperson of the year award.
And the nominees are …………
Habir Muritala, Emma Gallagher, Adam Doran, Aidan Mackey, Rebecca Condon, Ciara Doherty, Davin Jones, Ryan Murphy, Jack Doran, Evan O’Kane and Lola Gore.

And the winner was Ciara Doherty

Pupil of the year award
This award was first presented in 1995.1 would like to acknowledge the contribution of the Flannery family who sponsored the award.
What you may ask are the criteria for selecting the Pupil.
Every effort has been made to make judgements in the broadest possible way.
It is not an academic test as such.
We look at effort rather than achievement,
Good citizenship,
Willingness to help others.
Attendance and Punctuality
A good team person.
Someone who keeps trying no matter what the circumstances are
So in many ways everyone here is a winner in one or other of these categories.

Pupil of the year award nominees.
Aleksander Zakrzewski
Maayyadah Badru
Callum Thomas
Scott Moss
Martin Anev
Lola Gore
Ella Walsh
Ella Mc Adam
Faye Eager
Danna Daneva
Ella O’Driscoll
Ryan Murphy

And the winner was Scott Moss.

Presentation to class teachers by Aimee Cullen, Emma Gallagher and Davin Jones come forward to present the class teachers with a present.

Mr Reidy To all boys and girls I would like to wish you well in the years ahead. If there’s one thing you can do for us it is that you represent us well. Remember that you will always be a St. Declan’s pupil and in many ways we will be judged on your achievements. As we stand proudly in the light of your achievements we hope that you continue to grow in mind and heart and in wisdom and compassion. I am going to finish by reading this piece to you. This will be followed by our slideshow presentation, final songs and then refreshments. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.


Final Song


Art Work