Friendship and Anti Bullying Noticeboards
All pupils have the right to enjoy their learning and leisure time, free from intimidation . Our Staff in St. Declan’s are well aware that the problem of bullying is one that many children encounter . Children who are worried about being bullied do not progress well at school. Bullying whether verbal, physical or emotional, will not be tolerated in St. Declan’s. This is a telling school. Telling to ensure safety is different to ‘tales’. Parents and children should always tell if bullying has occured. All such reports will be looked into by the school and the unaccceptable behaviour will be dealt with appropriately. We have a friendship and Anti bullying noticeboard in our PE hall. Each month different classes present something different on the noticeboards. For the month of October Ms Tobin’s first class decorated the friendship noticeboard and Ms O’Connor’s 6th class decorated the anti-bullying noticeboard.
Have a look at their work
Room 15 Ms Tobin First Class
Room 7 Ms O’Connor Sixth Class