Confirmation 11-03-2023
Congratulations to all the children from our three 6th classes who made their Confirmation on Saturday the 11th of March 2023 in the church in Ashbourne. The children were confirmed by Bishop Tom Deenihan, Monsignor Séan Heaney and Father Michael. They were also joined by Father Ciarán on the day. The children created some lovey art work and displayed it in our PE hall. Have a look at their work.
After the ceremony the children and their families were invited back to St. Declan’s for refreshments. Thanks to our PA and our caretaker Tommy for helping out on the day. It was a very special occasion for all the children. Have a look at them in their finery. They all looked fabulous.
Thanks to Ms Carey, Mrs Brick and Mr McKeown for preparing the children for Confirmation.