Ceolchoirm sa halla
We had a very special treat over the past two days in St Declan’s as our very talented staff took to the stage for a trad session. We had Mr Mc Keown on guitar and banjo, Ms Jenkinson on bodhran, Ms Geaghegan and Ms Lydon on button accordian, Mrs Mc Cormack, Mr Kearins and Ms Kelly on flute and Ms Crowley on violin. They spoke to the children about their instruments and showed them how to play them.We were treated to an array of reels and jigs and Ms Jenkinson took to the stage to show us some of her Irish dancing. The children loved the show and especially when their teachers had to join in at the end. Thanks to all the teachers involved.
Fifth and Sixth Classes
Ms Jenkinson in full flight
Fionn, Liam and Katie singing Dirty Old Town
And the teachers having a great time………Mr Mc Keown shamed them into full participation,
Kornel from Room 18 playing the violin
Room 21 Ceili dancing