Calender of Events

March 20, 2013

The Confirmation will be taking place on Saturday the 13th of April at 11.00am.

March 20, 2013

The Easter Holidays will commence on friday the 22nd of MArch at 12.30pm. The school will reopen on Monday the…

March 20, 2013

The annual spring raffle will take place on thursday they 21st of March at 2.10 pm.

February 26, 2013

The Children in Second Class will be receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation (penance) on March 20th

February 26, 2013

In order to receive our fourth Green Flag we our raising the awareness of Traffic in our school on March…

February 18, 2013

The school will be closed on Monday the 18th of March for the St Patrick’s Bank holiday weekend.

February 18, 2013

From Monday 18th to Friday 22nd there will be lots of Math based activities taking place in St Declan’s N.S.

February 1, 2013

The Annual Credit union Quiz will Take place on Feb 1st in St Declan’s N.S at 8pm and many schools…

January 30, 2013

The Mid term will take place on Monday the 11th and Tuesday the 12th of Feb. The school will be…

January 30, 2013

The parent teacher meetings will take place in St. Declan’s N.S On Wednesday the 6th Of Feburary from 3.15 pm…