
Aistear Fun in Room 26

We’ve been very busy in Room 26 recently. Our Aistear theme for February is Clothing and Materials and we’re having so much fun doing lots of different activities.

We have a clothes shop in our room where we can buy and sell lots of different clothes. We are having fun dressing up in all Ms. McGowan’s old clothes and using our own coats in the shop too. We love spending all our money 🙂

We got to make lots of clothes out of playdough and we were even putting details on the clothes like hearts, frills and lots of designs.

We have had lots of fun in construction using both bricks and junk materials to create amazing things. We used bricks to build shops – some of us even built a huge Dunnes Stores! We used junk art to build lots of fun things like castles, robots and towers. We had so much fun. Thanks to all the parents for sending in all their recyclables!!!

Finally, we went on a hunt around the classroom to find lots of different materials – we found out that the tables are made from wood and metal, the windows are made from glass and the wheels on the cars that we can see outside out room are made from rubber – just like our rubber duckies!!!

We can’t wait to find out what our new theme is for next month!!!