6th Class Beep Test
Here in St. Declan’s we are as committed as ever to our Physical Education and overall well-being. Normally, September would see the return of our sporting teams taking to the field of play. In their absence, we are putting an even greater emphasis on PE. Our five main focus fundamental movements for this year are running, catching, landing, side stepping and jumping for distance.
For September the spotlight was running alongside the strand of Athletics. Mr Ryan’s 6th class and Ms Jenkinson’s 6th class are seen below taking a beep test. A beep test is a simple running test designed to test fitness levels. Over the course of the test, the children progressed up through various levels (lasting just over a minute each), with the beeps getting faster at each new level reached. At the point where the children fail to reach the line before the beep, this becomes their highest score and the test is over.
The fitness levels in 6th class were very impressive. Even Ms Jenkinson took part !!