
3rd and 4th class Assembly

We had assembly today for third and fourth classes. We all gathered in the hall after little break and Mr. Reidy welcomed us. We said prayers and Mr. Reidy spoke to us about the importance of assemblies. He congratulated the children who had perfect attendance to date. Ms Nic Aoidh’s class won the homework pass for the best turned out in uniform. We are working hard at improving our lines on the yard and next month the class who has the best line every week will get to spend an extra ten minutes out on yard after the bell rings and get a certificate for the class. These classes will be announced at the next assembly. Mr Reidy congratulated the children who took part in Cross Country Event. They were awarded with a certificate for their achievement.
The following children were picked for Student of the month awards. There was four nominees from each class with one overall winner.

Mr. Reidy congratulated Ana Farrell and Glen Harkin who won the draughts competition in our school. They were presented with a voucher from Easons.

We were treated to a fantastic performance from Room 4 and 5 who sang the songs for us that they are going to perform at Corfheile tomorrow-Uptown Funk, Mo Ghile Mearand Prioghas Tag. Well done to Ms Clifford and Ms Jenkinson who have worked really hard to prepare the children and to Mr Mc Keown who is going to accompany them on the guitar.

We finished off the assembly with everyone singing Amhran na bhfiann.