1st and 2nd Class September Assembly 30-09-2016
Today we had assembly in St Declan’s for first and second for the very first time. We will have an assembly on the last Friday of every month. We started of with the following prayer……
Dear Father,
Give me the strength of mind and a caring heart.
And the will power it takes to make a brand new start.
Mr Reidy welcomed all the teachers and pupils from 1st and 2nd to assembly and spoke about the importance of assemblies.
Assemblies are a way of showing you are part of our school. It’s a time to come together with our teachers and principal.
We share good news at our assemblies.
Praise children who have achieved different things.
Talk about different events happening in the school.
Chat about our school rules. Try and improve on some school rules.
Mr Reidy spoke about the pupil of the month medal that is given out at every assembly and how you can earn this medal.
Good behaviour
Being kind to others in your class
Playing nicely on yard
Listening very carefully to teacher
Doing excellent work in class
Doing really good homework………………….etc
Every month four children from each class will be picked as nominees by their teacher and one person will be awarded with the medal. The medal is kept at school and will be collected again the day before the next assembly.
Best Uniform Prize
This is a prize for the class who are always wearing their PE tracksuits on PE days and their uniforms on uniform days. Mr Reidy will be checking to see that ties are worn on uniform days, and that everyone looks nice and neat as you are representing St. Declan’s when you are in the uniform. The class that wins the prize will get a night off homework to be decided on by your class teacher.
Best line on yard prize
This is a prize for the class who makes a huge effort to get into their line quickly and quietly when the bell rings after break times. You must stay in the line without messing until your class teacher comes to collect you. Mr Reidy will be walking around the yards every day and taking notes of the classes that are trying really hard. The prize for winning this award is an extra ten minutes after big day on a day chosen by your class teacher.
Mr Reidy spoke about apples. There are lots of different varieties of apples and they all look different on the outside. When you cut an apple in half they all have a star shape in the middle. Even apples that get bruised on the outside have a star shape inside them. This is a bit like people. We all look different from the outside………some people have blue eyes, green eyes or brown eyes, some people have blond hair or red hair, some people have different colour skin. However in many ways we are all the same on the inside, as we are all stars inside. We all have unique and special talents who make us who we are. To grow an apple you need seeds, soil, water and sunlight. In the same way children need certain things to grow healthily. You need food and water to help you grow physically. You need care and love from your family and friends to help you to grow emotionally. Mr Reidy looked at all the stars the children designed in their classes this week in preparation for assembly.
Ms Quinlan’s children came up to do prayers of the faithful.
Full attendance awards 2015-2016
Mr Reidy congratulated the following children who had full attendance last year. These children were all in school for 183 days in total last year. All the children were presented with medals.
Room 15- Alex
Room 17- Arian
Room 18- Caoimhe, Fionn, Lily, Ava, Emma
Room 19- Erik
Room 11- Nathan, Jack, Connor, and Kady.
Ms Doran’s class Room 18 came up to sing for us.
We finished assembly by singing together the song “Together Again. We are looking forward to our next assembly already.