
Sixth Class Drugs Awareness Talk

Our community guard Aisling O’ Connor spoke to our sixth classes on Friday the 13th of February. She spoke to them about dug and alcohol abuse. A drug is a chemical which affects how the body works or how the person behaves or feels. Drugs change the bodily functions mentally, physically or emotionally. Aisling spoke in depth about the different types of drugs and ways how to deal with peer pressure.

1. Don’t be afraid to say No

2. Connect with your friends and avoid negative peer pressure.

3. Make connections with your parents or other adults.

4. Enjoy life and do what you love- Don’t add alcohol or drugs.

5. Follow the family rules about alcohol and drugs.

6. Get educated about alcohol and drugs.

7. Be a role model and set a positive example-What you do is more important than what you say.

8. Plan ahead.

9. Speak out !Speak up! Take Control!

10. Get help. If you or someone you know is in trouble with alcohol or drugs , get help. You are not alone.

Our Substance Use Policy is available on our website for parents to read.
