Senior Infant School Tour!
We set off on our adventure on Thursday morning. We were super excited to be going to Newbridge House and Farm. Some of our Mammy’s were there to wave us off on the bus. When we got there we had a snack in the court yard. Then we split into groups, some of us were with teacher, some with Ms O’Malley and some with Maura….. off we went to explore the farm. We saw baby chicks, fat pigs, peacocks and baby goats to name our favourites! We went for lunch and then the best part, THE PLAYGROUND!!! We had an absolutely brilliant time and were sad to leave. Some of us were so worn out we even fell asleep on the bus!! Teacher was very impressed with our good behaviour and was very proud of how we looked out for one another in the playground. Well done boys and girls 🙂
Senior Infants, Rm 13, Ms. Doran