
Science Fare in St Declan’s.

This week was science week in St Declan’s and all classes enjoyed trying out lots of interesting experiments at school at home. On Wednesday we had a science fair in the PE class where all classes had a chance to demonstrate an experiment to all the other classes. There was a great buzz in the hall all day with children from Junior Infants to sixth joining in and having fun. Here is a list of experiments carried out.

How to keep a snowman cold.
Keeping out loud sounds
How plants drink water
Raisins and water
Moving Marbles
Magic Arrows
Which liquid stops apples turning brown
Traffic Lights
Making music with water
Float or sink
Finger Prints
Angry Bird Game
Electricity Circuits
Lava Lamps
Tornado in a bottle
Testing for starch
Lungs expanding and lung control
Lava Lamps
Forces and Energy
Rocket Darts
Paper Helicopters
Catapult Launch

Have a look at the children having great fun.