

Rainbows Ireland is a free, listening, peer, group support service that provides support for children from the age of 7, after they have experienced a Parental Separation and or Bereavement. When significant change and loss happens in a family, the entire family can be
affected including children. Children generally find it difficult to understand
their feelings and often do not have the words to say how they feel. Rainbows provides group support for children of a similar age and loss
experience. Meeting others in a similar situation can be very supportive for
children. Rainbows is not a counselling group or professional therapy.
St. Declan’s National School will now provide this service to children attending our school. Staff at our school have undertaken the training to become a Rainbows Volunteer Facilitator.

If you would like more information on the Rainbows service and its
programmes, please visit www.rainbowsireland.ie

Normally the programme runs for 9 weeks, for an hour each week after school. There will be an enquiry form attached to this page that can be downloaded and filled out if you wish to be given an application form. There are also printed enquiry forms available from the rainbows notice board at reception. Any completed enquiry forms can be dropped into the brown box at reception. If you would like to find out more about the programme, please ring our school secretary Joanne on 018350594 and you will be put in contact with the Rainbows Coordinator who will contact you directly.