
Pride of Place

We are going for our Pride of Place level 2 award this year! This is an initiative by Meath County Council and links very well with our Green Schools work. Some of the things we worked on for this year include;

The School Community
Pupils are gardening in class and the board of management are aware of the great work the gardening gang are doing!

Our School Garden
We moved our raised beds and added one more, check them out there is a variety of vegetables and crops growing, including potatoes, lettuce, spinach and crops include wheat, barley, oil seed rape and oats.
Features around the school area – we have a mini woodland and also many trees planted around the school perimeter, we have bird feeders and wind chimes and a wildflower area, there is also a wildflower area out on the right of the school and there are two minibeast hotels here!

Teaching and Learning
Pupils have learnt basic gardening skills such as sowing, planting and watering.
Pupils have also researched many plants and animals all throughout the year and gardening activities are coordinated by Ms. Lydon and the Green Schools Committee!!

Check out the pictures below to see some of this hard work! Also check out the Green Schools area of the website and click on Biodiversity to see all the updates over the past 2 years 🙂