
Parent Teacher Meetings 2018

Our Parent Teacher Meetings take place on Tuesday the 13th of November 3-4pm for some parents and  Wednesday the 14th of November from    3 15pm to 5 45pm. The school will close at 2 45pm on Wednesday the 13th  to facilitate a break for the staff before the meetings. It is very important to attend these meetings as they will provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress at school. We expect that all meetings will be held in a respectable and productive manner.

 In certain circumstances a parent may opt to be accompanied by a relative/friend. This arrangement would normally apply in cases where the parent may not have English as their first language. However a parent teacher meeting cannot take place unless one parent is in attendance at the meeting. It will not take place if a relative/friend attends on behalf of a parent.

We do not encourage bringing children to the meetings as they cannot be left unsupervised in the PE hall. The hall will be in use for Taekwondo on the day.

The Special Education Team will be available at the above times should you need to meet with them. A list of all the teachers and what classroom they are located in will be displayed in reception.

To ensure that waiting times are kept to a minimum, a bell will ring on regular intervals to signal the beginning/end of the meeting.  Arrangements can be made for a longer meeting at a future date if deemed necessary. We ask all parents to co-operate with us to facilitate the smooth running of the meetings.

Thank you