First and Second Class November Assembly 21-11-2018
Opening Prayer
O Jesus the source of all wisdom.
The one who will show the way of peace.
Be the light that burns so bright, lighting up our lives.
Prepare for the one who is coming.
Let us welcome him into our hearts.
Welcome from Mr Kearins
In our assembly today we are going to talk about advent. We know that God is with us at all times. We know that God was with us in the brightness of Summer, in the freshness of Spring and in the golden colours of Autumn. We know that God is with us now this Winter. The end of November is the beginning of Advent. Advent means arrival and it is the season of waiting and preparing for the birth of Jesus. There are four Sundays leading up to Advent. The first candle in the Advent wreath symbolises hope. The second candle represents peace. The third candle symbolises joy and the fourth candle symbolises love. The last candle is lit on Christmas Day. The circle of the wreath reminds us of God. His endless mercy which has no beginning and no end. The evergreen branches and leaves symbolise the everlasting life which God gives us. During Wintertime long ago people would light candles on wheel shaped bundles of evergreen. The candle light gave comfort to people at the darkest time of the year.
Chloe, Mateusz and Nicola read the prayers of the faithful from Ms O’Halloran’s class.
Prayer 1
Advent is a season of waiting, waiting in joyful hope for the coming of Jesus. We all have to wait in our lives for different things. We wait for friends to come to play. We wait for parents to collect us and we wait for lunch break each day. To wait is part of all our lives. Mary and Joseph waited patiently for the birth of Jesus on that very first Christmas. We now wait too.
Prayer 2
Advent is a time of joy. As Mary and Joseph waited during the first advent , they waited with joy in their hearts for the coming of the baby Jesus. We remember and celebrate the joy that the people felt as they waited for the arrival of Jesus all that time ago.
Prayer 3
Advent is a time of hope. Mary and Joseph like all new parents were filled with hope as they waited . The people of Israel waited in hope for the coming of Jesus. We look forward to and wait in joyful hope to celebrate that first Christmas.
Student of the month trophy
Room 14 Blossom
Room 15 Daniels
Room 16 Jude
Room 17 Eva
Room 18 Conor
Room 11 Simona
Gaelgeoir Na Miosa
Room 14 Mollie
Room 15 George
Room 16 Eva
Room 17 Grace
Room 18 Aoife
Room 11 Ruby
Best Line Award- extra 10 minutes on yard- Room 11
Best dressed Class- night off homework- Room 16
Behaviour on yard Award- to be decided by class teacher- Room 18
Attendance Award –extra golden time
1st Class – Room 17
2nd Class – Room 18
Christmas Concerts
I know you have all been working really hard with your teachers preparing for your Christmas concerts. As this is my first time to see them I’m very excited as I’ve heard they are always so good. When you are on the stage with your class make sure to behave yourselves and not to be messing on stage as your time is precious and teachers will be very busy trying to get everything ready for the show. Good luck to all of you.
Mr Mc Loughlin’s class is going to perform for us today.
End Prayer (Repeat after Mr Kearins)
Christ be with me, Christ be beside me
Christ be before me, Christ be behind me
Christ be at my right hand , Christ be at my left hand
Christ be with me everywhere I go,
Christ be my friend forever and ever Amen.