Monday to Wednesday Active Week
Lots of activites were oraganised for active schools week, a timetable was created, ideas shared and encouragement given. Click here to have a look
All Classes create active Noticeboards filled with active projects, favourite sport, Favourite athletes plus much more. Click here to have a look
On Monday Active weeks was offically opened with a whole school Cha Cha Slide, played over the schools intercom system.
On Tuesday all the children from 1st to 6th attended the schools finals in Parnell Park.
While the children in 1st to 6th went to the match the children in junior infants and senior infants went on a teddy bears picnic and danced at a disco.
On Wedneday 11 Children attended the Meath Athletic Competition, with two children winning medals
While at the Athletics the rest of the school 1st to sixth took part in a ceili.
While ths ceili was occuring the children in Junior infants and senior Infants completed an obstactle course on their bikes.