
Junior Infants September 2016

We welcome three new Junior Infant classes to St. Declan’s on Wednesday the 31st of August. Parents are asked to bring their children to their classroom through the exterior classroom door not through the front door. The Junior Infant classrooms are Ms Molloy Room 12, Ms Joyce Room 13 and Ms Mooney Room 14.We wish all the children and parents the best of luck on their first day.

Parents of new Junior Infants are invited into the PE for a cup of tea on the first day Wednesday the 31st of August from 10 45 am to 11 15 am.
Thank you to the PA for providing these refreshments.

School times are as follows:
Wednesday 31st of August- Friday 2nd of September 9.15 am -11.20 am.
(The children will need a small snack for the first week .They will not be going out on the yard but will have their snack in their classroom.)

Week 2 – Monday 5th of September – Friday 9th of September 9.15 am 12.15 am
(The children will need two snacks. They will be going out onto yard for first break and having another snack in their classroom before they go home.)

Week 3 – Monday 12th of September – Friday 16th of September 9.15 am- 2.00 pm