Free Writing
All classes from first to sixth have free writing copies in St. Declan;’s.Creative writing encourages kids to exercise their creative minds and practice using their imaginations. It improves their ability to come up with alternatives. This broadens their thought processes, which can lead to success in many areas, including problem solving and analysis. Children often have difficulty understanding and expressing how they feel. Through writing, children have a safe place to explore, and this can be a highly beneficial tool for expressing their feelings Writing gives children more opportunity to assert themselves and their opinions and develop their “voice.” These developments can really strengthen their self-confidence. A well-written piece involves a lot of thought, planning, organization, and use of language to get a point across. What great practice for kids at laying out their thoughts and trying to clearly convince someone of their point of view.
Creativity seems to diminish as we get older. Those crazy stories of fairy tale princesses battling ferocious dragons to save the town later turns into business prose. So, encourage your children to write, to be creative, to use their imagination, and then praise them when they do. Build their confidence to clearly communicate their point of view, their thoughts, and their feelings and hold onto childhood just a little longer.
Mrs Collier visited the children in first and second classes recently to have a look at their freewriting work. She was very impressed with all their fantastic stories.