
Fifth and Sixth Class June Assembly

Mr Kearins

Welcome here today to our last assembly for the year. First of all I want to say thank you to everyone in St. Declan’s ….. the staff, the parents and of course all of you for making me feel so welcome during my first year here as principal. I’m so happy to be a part of St. Declan’s school community and I hope we have lots of good years ahead. We remember all the good times we had this year with our teachers and friends in St. Declan’s. We look forward to our Summer holidays spent with our families and to coming back refreshed and relaxed for a new school year in September.

Prayers of the faithful           (Room  8) Ben, Alex, Andrea and Zoe

  1. We thank you God for all the friends we have in school. We have formed some new friendships this year and we hope they stay strong in years to come. Lord Hear Us

Response ; Lord graciously hear us.

  1. We thank you God for all our teachers and staff of St. Declan’s who have been with us every step of our journey this year. We thank them for their guidance and support throughout the year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lord Hear Us.

Response ; Lord graciously hear us.

  1. We thank you God for our parents who have helped us all year with our homework, listened to our problems and been there for us in every way possible. We are very lucky to have such good parents. Lord Hear Us.

Response ; Lord graciously hear us

  1. We wish all the children in 6th class the best of luck on their journey into secondary school. May they always be proud to have been pupils of St. Declan’s. Lord Hear Us.

Response ; Lord graciously hear us.

Active School’s Week      


Active School’s Week was really successful. Well done to all children who were involved in different activities during the week. I hope you all enjoyed Sports Day. You were all very well behaved on the day and were a credit to your teachers. Well done to our 5th and 6th classes for taking part in the baseball coaching. Our skipping workshop was a huge success last week with Mark from SkipNrope. I hope you will all be practising your skills over the Summer. Well done to Hollie, Vicky, Adrians, Jaran, Angelo,     Kelvin, Bartosz, Alex, Karlo, Jade, Adam, Juan and Sean who showcased their skills during the workshop. Even Mr Farrell and Ms Mc Hugh managed to pull off a few tricks. Thank you to Mr Farrell for organising the week of events for us.

Dec’s Got Talent


We were all very impressed with the talent at our show last week. I really enjoyed being involved and judging the competition. Everyone who took part was excellent and I want to say a huge well done to them for putting in so much work preparing for the event. In particular well done to Liam from Room 25, Jubril from Room 6, Hollie, Grace, Alannah, Shauna and Emma from Room 4 and Bernard from Room 25  who represented 5th and 6th classes in the show. They were fantastic. We are so lucky to have so many talented children in St. Declan’s. Thank you to Ms O’Halloran and Mr Farrell for organising the show.

Fingal Final  


Congratulations to our Junior Boys team who were successful in the final against Scoil an Duininigh on the 30th of May in Parnell Park. They couldn’t have got their without the hard work and determination of their two coaches Mr Melia and Mr Ryan. Thank you to all the children who came to support the team on the day. It was great to see so many there and so well behaved. The boys from 5th class who were on the winning team were………

Team: Cian Fox, Dylan Lenard, James Tyrell Foran, Sean Jones, Josh Burke Andrews, Daniel Doherty, Cillian Ryan, Alex McAdam, Teejay Doyle, Conor Poole, Liam O’Connor, Sean Keating, Michael Muntean and Calum Russell, Ben Condon


Good Luck 


Good luck to Sean Jones from Ms Donwnes class who will be leaving St. Declan’s on Friday the 28th of June.  Sean and his brother Alex will be starting school in Portmarnock in September. We would like to wish them all the best and they will always be welcome in St. Declan’s.  Ms Downes presented a football to Sean on  behalf of the children in the class.


Pupil of the month trophies  


We aren’t doing pupil of the month or gaeilgeoir na miosa this month but I want to say well done to all the boys and girls who won the awards this year. Next year our current 5th classes will be moving ton 6th class and will be joined by our current 4th classes who will be moving into 5th classes in September.


Mr Lydon Room 4 6th Class

Mr Farrell, Room 2 6th Class

Ms OConnor, Room 3 6th Class                                                                                                                            

Congratulations to all our 6th class pupils who are heading off to secondary school in September. We hope that we have started you on a road that will help you lead a full, contented and happy lifestyle, ready to take on the many challenges and also the rich opportunities that will come your way. In all 85 children will bid farewell to St. Declan’s and we wish them all the best on their journey ahead.


Thank You                                                                                                                          I want to thank you all and your teachers-Ms Conway, Ms O’Donnell, Ms Mc Hugh, Ms Downes, Ms O’Connor and Mr Lydon and Mr Farrell and your SNA’S Patricia, Maura, Theresa and Lila for all the hard work this year. Good luck too Ms O’Connor who will be leaving us for next year. We will miss her in St. Declan’s and wish her all the best. We have some great memories from this year…….,active schools week, book week, science week, goal jersey day, quiz team, Christmas concerts, Christmas jumper day, PA school disco, friendship week , school relay marathon,  skipping workshop and winning the Fingal League but to mention a few. I hope you all have a very happy and relaxing July and August with your families here in Ireland or wherever you may be.  I look forward to another exciting year in St. Declan’s

6th Class Performance