Fifth and Sixth Class Friendship Assembly
Opening Prayer
Dear God, thank you for our friends. Thank you for the fun we can have with them and the happy times we spend together. Please help me to be a good friend. Please help me not to be selfish but to think always of other people and their needs. Amen.
Mr Reidy
The theme of this assembly is friendship. Friendships are among the most important relationships you’ll have in your life. Many of your favourite memories probably include times you’ve spent with friends. But having friends can be hard work sometimes, when they get on your nerves or when they’re going through a tough time. Not knowing what to do or say to help them can be frustrating and emotionally challenging. However, doing your best to make them feel better shows you care about being a good friend. The only way to have a good friend is to be a good friend.
A friend is someone………………….
you can trust and won’t judge you
won’t deliberately hurt your feelings, but will show kindness and respect
will love you not because they feel they have to, but because they choose to
you can depend on, who is loyal and whose company you enjoy
will be there no matter what your situation is
is trustworthy and not afraid to tell you the truth, no matter how hard it is sometimes
accepts you for who you are, and lend you an ear when you need advice
The children from Room 2 came up to read their friendship poems- Tara, Emily and Adam.
Prizes /Awards
Draughts- Congratulations to Ciaran Byrne Room 2 who was the overall winner for 5th class and Milosz from Room 7 who was the winner from 6th class. They got a voucher from Easons as a prize. Well done.
(Ciaran Byrne was absent from school)
Confirmation – Well done to the 67 children who made their confirmation last Saturday. You were a credit to your parents and to your teachers. Thank you to Mr Lydon, Mr Mc Keown , and Ms O’Connor for preparing the children for the day.
I want to congratulate the children from 5th and 6th classes who were at the church last Saturday and sang at our Confirmation ceremony. You were all excellent. I have a homework pass here that I’m going to give to your teachers to be used a night of your choice. I also want to say well done to Philip Carragher Room 4 who did a fantastic job at serving mass at the confirmation. I have homework passes to give out to the children involved.
Well done to Alex Fitzpatrick Room 2 who won a gold medal for rope throwing in the under 12’s Irish Schools Chamionships and a gold medal for the overall life saver category. Well done Alex.
Pupil of the month trophy-
Room 2-Isobel
Room 3-Jamie H
Room 4-Jamie B
Room 5-Rachel
Room 6-Martin
Room 7-Tito
Best Line Award- extra 10 minutes on yard Room 6
Best Dressed Class- night off homework Room 2
Best Behaviour on Yard- prize to be decided by teacher Room 4
Best Attendance Award 5th Class Room 3 and 6th Class Room 6- extra golden time
Gaelgoir Na Miosa
Room 2-Emily
Room 3- Julia
Room 4-Alannah
Room 5-Sam
Room 6-Oliwia
Room 7-Fuwad
Here in St. Declan’s friendship is very important and we always look out for one another. To have a good friend you have to be a good friend. I want you to think about the friends you have at school, at home and in different activities you do outside of school. It is important to have good friends in your lives.
Friend Poem
The Best of Friends
The best of friends, Can change a frown,
Into a smile, when you feel down.
The best of friends, Will understand,
Your little trials, And lend a hand.
The best of friends, Will always share,
Your secret dreams, Because they care.
The best of friends, Worth more than gold,
Give all the love, A heart can hold.
Performance – Room 4 Ms Kelly- Ed Sheeren song using ukulules and performing gymnastics.
End Song (everyone) You’ve got a friend in me song.