
5th Class Projects

Room 6, Ms O’Donnell’s 5th class have been working on report writing for the past few weeks.

What is report writing ??

Reports are written to describe or classify the way things are or seem to be. They organise or record information. Reports are organised by classification, description and summarising comment. The features of report writing are- generalised participants, impersonal objective language,timeless present tense and subject specific vocabulary.

The children picked an animal to do some report writing on. They researched their topic, gathered the information using different methods, lorganised the information and wrote a draft. The animals they researched included…………………………

Horses, sharks, zebras, pugs, mir cats, cheetahs, raptots, dinosaurs, sloths, owls, falcons, leopards, guinea pigs and orangutans.

They brought their report writing over to show Ms Downes 5th class and Mr Melia’s 3rd class. Well done on the fantastic effort !!