Operation Transformation Ten at 10 10-02-2017
Today we joined in with lots of other primary schools all around Ireland. At 10 am we dropped everything and everyone in the school did ten minutes of exercise. Some classes did dancing, some classes followed the programme on Operation Transformation and other classes did rounds of exercises. We had great fun and really enjoyed it. We are thinking of asking Mr Reidy if we can do it every Friday
Parents can access the workout on the Operation Transformation website and join in at home with their families.
The top three fitness tips from Operation Transformation are…….
1.Fitness should be fun.
2.Fitness should be exertive.
3.Fitness should be part of your day
The Department of Education and Skills and Healthy Ireland encourage all schools to organise an Active School Week (ASW) as part of their annual school calendar.
The ASW initiative is about providing FUN and INCLUSIVE physical activity opportunities for ALL members of the school community. It allows schools to reinforce the message that not only is physical activity good for you but it also very enjoyable. It provides schools with an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about the physical activity opportunities that are available in their locality and to work collaboratively with students, parents and members of the community.
Here in St Declan’s N.S we are participating in The Active School Flag initiative. The aim of this initiative is recognizing schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. St Declan’s is working well towards an Active School status and has brought about a number of improvements to increase pupil physical activity level. Our school offers a wide range of activities to pupils in extra curricular clubs to ensure plenty of active participation. Our school teaches a broad and balanced PE Programme and staff members have engaged in CPD to assist teaching and learning in PE.
Here we are in action……………………………
Room 26 Senior Infants
Room 27 Senior Infants
Room 12 and 13 Junior Infants
Room 15 First Class
Room 16 First Class
Room 17 First Class
Room 25 Fourth Class
Room 2 Fifth Class
Room 3 Fifth Class
Room 4 Sixth Class
Room 5 Sixth Class
Room 6 Fifth Class
Room 7 Third Class
Room 24 Third Clas
Room 18 Second Class
Room 19 Second Class
Room 11 Second Class
Room 9 Third Class